

Friday, December 23

Merry Christmas

I hope that the journey through Advent with the help of the Polar Express helped you to see Jesus in a new way. I had a lot of fun writing the devotionals and God shared a lot with me.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. A time for families and loved ones to gather together and celebrate. Maybe you will exchange gifts and read the Night Before Christmas. As you celebrate and enjoy being together remember Jesus and the gift he gave to you.

Have a great Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.

Devotionals will return in February of 2012.

Thursday, December 22

The Bell Sound

Do you hear it?

Have you ever been on a spiritual high? A time, where you really feel God's presence and you are wanting to prayer and read your Bible and tell your friends about God. Maybe after a week of camp or a mission trip. Spiritual highs usually only last for a short time. Then you are stuck in a rut again, wishing you were back wanting to spend time with God.

The bell sound can only be heard by those who believe. Those are mostly children, but to the main character he is able to forever believe because he was the one who experienced Santa and the train ride that night.

If we aren't careful our spiritual lives can becoming like the bell sound. Faint or non-existent. It's important to be spending time in the Bible, in prayer and conversation with God, and to let God use you.

This Christmas where are you spiritually?

Are you a little faint? Or maybe non-existent? Or can you hear that most beautiful sound?

Where ever you are, I challenge you to give a gift to yourself and God. Give the gift of your time and your heart. Truly begin to let yourself explore the Bible and prayer. Trust that God is working in and through you. And when it gets rough don't give up.

When we meet God, let's be able to say "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7).

Wednesday, December 21

Christmas Day

Let's read from the book:

On Christmas morning my little sister Sarah and I opened our presents. When it looked as if everything had been unwrapped, Sarah found one last small box behind the tree. It had my name on it. Inside was the silver bell! There was a note: "Found this on the seat of my sleigh. Fix that hole in your pocket." Signed, "Mr. C."

The last thing the boy expected was to see the bell under the tree. What a surprise it must of been!

How have you seen God work when less expected?

God is at work in our lives.

Spend the next few days before Christmas looking for evidence of God.

Tuesday, December 20

Just Believe

"Believe in what your heart saying, hear the melody that's playing. There's no time to waste, there's so much to celebrate. Believe in what you feel inside, give your dreams the wings to fly. You have everything you need if you just believe."

One overarching theme of this movie is believing. Our main character has the word believe punched on this ticket, he can't hear the bells of Santa's sleigh because he doesn't believe, and his parents (and eventually sister and friends) cannot hear the bell because they don't believe.

When we look at the people around us, they all believe in something. It might be that if they work hard enough they will achieve, or if they know the right people they will get ahead in life. They might believe that things are not going to get any better for them.

What is it that you believe?

God sent us a gift. A gift that we celebrate here in a few days. That gift came so that we can have eternal life with God.

Today take time to read John 3:1-21, the link below will take you there. After reading, spend some time reflecting on it and then answer the question again:

What is it that you believe?


Monday, December 19


Movies do a great job of playing with emotions. Right now, the boy has lost the bell, that's sad. Earlier we were playful with having hot chocolate.

Today, the video is from the soundtrack. As it plays, close your eyes and see how your emotions or feelings change with the music.

If music can develop those feelings within us, what can Jesus do within us? If we were silent and devoted of six minutes what do you think would be the result.

As Christmas is less than a week away, spend time with Jesus. Thank him for his gift to us and see if you can give him your heart.

Friday, December 16

Losing the Bell

Let's read from the book

"As soon as we were back inside the Polar Express, the other children asked to see the bell. I reached into my pocket, but the only thing I felt was a hole. I had lost the silver bell from Santa Claus's sleigh."

How do you think the main character felt to find out the bell was gone?

The bell was his proof. The bell proved that Santa was real. The bell proved the great adventure he went on.

What do you have that gives you proof that God is real?

For me, it's my story. God has been at work in my life. I have been through situations that only God could bring me through. That is my proof. What's yours?

Today continue to ask God to reveal his existence to you.